Legend says that The Tomb of Saint Nicholas of Myra is located in County Kilkenny, Ireland.
The location of this World Famous Tomb is at the ruins of the Medieval Church of Saint Nicholas in the remains of the medieval Town of Newtown Jerpoint on the banks of the River Nore.
The Tomb of the World’s Favourite Saint Is marked by a Medieval Stone Slab.
Location of Saint Nicholas Tomb
Co Kilkenny,
Who was Saint Nicholas?

Saint Nicholas of Myra was an early Christian Saint dating from the time of the Roman Empire.
He had many attributes but his legendary gift of generosity and his ability to give to those who were in need is the inspiration for the magical character we now know as Santa Claus.
Now during the Christmas season his wondrous love of giving is marvelled at by children all over the world, as they look at the skies waiting patiently for him to arrive and make their Christmas dreams come true.
How did the bones come to Ireland?
After his death, Saint Nicholas was laid to rest in his home city of Myra. He was later exhumed and reinterred in Barc.
During the Middle Ages, the demand for Saintly Relics such as bones was in high demand, believing that the Holy Relics held miraculous powers of healing and also held the aspects of the different Saints.
Relics were worshipped and were constantly moved by conquering peoples during the medieval period.
Due to this common practice, it is highly possible that the bones of Saint Nicholas were dispersed throughout Medieval Europe.
In Ireland local folklore in this area of Kilkenny states that the bones of Saint Nicholas fell into the hands of Knights that had been on Crusade in the early 12th century.
According to legend these Knights possibly members of the Knights Templar brought bones of Saint Nicholas to this area of Ireland.
This area of Ireland was in the hands of Isabelle De Clare and her famous husband William Marshall, the greatest Knight that ever lived.
The Marshall spent time on crusade and had close connections to the worlds most infamous Knights, the Knights Templar. He swore an oath that before he died he would take his Holy Orders and become a member of the Holy Order of The Knights Templar.
Days before his death he kept his vow; he was interred within The Temple Church, London. The legend states that the bones were placed in a grave that is still marked with by a stone slab.
This stone slab is marked with a depiction of a Cleric whose shoulders are being protected by two medieval Knights. The connection of this area with The Marshall and Isabelle De Clare does give credence to this magical legend and gives this epic legend as an aspect of historical truth.
Where is the tomb of Saint Nichol in Ireland?

The Tomb is located very close to Jerpoint Abbey, County Kilkenny. This is one of Irelands finest Medieval Abbeys to survive the ravages of time.
Jerpoint Abbey was a Cistercian Abbey founded in the early 12thCentury. The Abbey is located close to remains of the lost medieval town of Newtown Jerpoint.
This Medieval town which was supposedly founded by William Marshall.
It was situated on the main crossing point on the river Nore close to the Medieval toll bridge, thus the name Jerpoint “Nore Bridge”.
The Medieval town consisted of approximately 30 buildings. It is said 14 of those buildings were Taverns.
The remains of this once vibrant medieval town are still visible. Newtown, Jerpoint is one of the most historically significant sites in Ireland for academic studies in medieval settlement developments.
It’s close proximity to Jerpoint Abbey, one of Ireland’s best-preserved Medieval Cistercian Abbeys shows us that this was once one of Ireland’s most important settlements.
Within the remains of Newtown Jerpoint is Medieval Parish Church of Saint Nicholas. This Church dates from 12th Century.
Although now a ruin of its former glory it is still possible to imagine what life here would have been like.
It is within the Graveyard of The Church of Saint Nicholas that the Tomb of Saint Nicholas of Myra is located.
Are the bones of Saint Nicholas really in Ireland?

Historically it is possible that there are bones or relics of Saint Nicholas entombed at this medieval site.
It is also thought that they could be the bones of Medieval Priest or Monk.
However due to the fact that these lands were in the hands of the Medieval worlds power couple Isabelle De Clare and William Marshall a ring of truth, coupled with the fact that The Normans were famous collectors of Holy Relics.
It is certain that the Marshall and his Knights would have brought back items from their time in The Holy Land.
Whether the Legend is true or not it gives us a wonderful sense of imagination and the magical thoughts that Ireland could be the final resting place of the worlds best known and loved Saint.