Irish twins is an old phrase used to describe two siblings born to the same mother in the same calendar year or within a duration of twelve months. For instance, a mother gives birth to one baby in January of 2019 and another child in December of the same year.
Some other women may give birth to Irish triplets; this is when three children are born to the same mother within three years.
A more modern phrase would be closely-spaced siblings or close-in-age siblings. These terms are used to avoid confusing whether siblings are real twins.
Where does the phrase Irish twins come from?

The origin of the term Irish twins dates back to the Nineteenth Century. It was a term used to describe siblings from large, and mostly poor, Irish immigrant families who were settling into the United States and Britain.
In the 1800s it was common for Irish Catholic families to have children born less than a year apart as the families strictly followed the Church’s teaching of not using contraceptives.
The use of the term Irish twins was meant to despise the Irish community and accuse them of having poor self-control, little education, and no access to health resources like birth control. R
Today, the term is still used, but many would agree that it is not an appropriate term to use and is insulting.
However, some women no longer see the term as offensive and opt to have their children very close in age.
Some include celebrities like Heidi Klum, Britney Spears, Tori Spelling, and Jessica Simpson among others.
How do Irish twins happen?
Research has confirmed that women can conceive as early as just three weeks after giving birth even though the one was taking birth control.
Therefore if a mother, conceives just weeks or months after the birth of the first child it’s possible she will have Irish twins.
For example, a mother who gives birth to a child in August of 2019, becomes pregnant again in October 2019, she will have another child in July of 2019.
Can Irish twins be in the same grade?
Since Irish twins are born within the same year or calendar, there is a very high possibility for them to start kindergarten together and end up being in the same grade.
However, each child develops differently at her own pace.
Even though they have a close age gap, the younger one may not be ready to start school yet, as a parent be patient and let their skills develop separately.
Do Irish twins have a special connection?
Irish twins share a strong bonding. They have an unbreakable friendship since they tend to do everything together and even share everything.
They may have the same circle of friends, enjoy the same activities, and generally live a similar lifestyle as they grow older, just the way real twins do.
If they are born one year apart, they may have the same birthday, or be close enough that they celebrate their birthday on the same day.
Although, it is normal and healthy to allow closely-spaced siblings to have alone time, where they enjoy different activities. This gives them a break from each other and helps them identify their own personalities.