Is Dublin Part of the UK?

dublin castle

Dublin is in the Republic of Ireland. It is not part of the United Kingdom. The Republic of Ireland is a separate Country from the United Kingdom.

Many years ago during the British Rule of Ireland, Dublin would have been considered part of the UK. The British drafted the Act of Union on 1st January 1801, until 6 December 1922 when Ireland was declared a Free State.

You can find out more about how Ireland broke free of British Rule by reading up on the Easter Rising of 1916

We covered in more detail a similar question is Ireland part of the UK?

History of Dublin and the UK

When the English (United Kingdom) ruled over Ireland since 1801, Dublin would have been part of the Pale. A large stretch of land on the Ireland of Ireland that would have been the start of British Rule in Ireland.

The Pale
History Map of British Rule In Ireland

Dublin Facts

The Republic of Ireland has around 4.9 million population. Dublin has over 1.3 million of that population alone.

Dublin is the European Headquarters to many Tech Giants such as Google, Facebook and Twitter.

Dublin was originally a Viking Settlement.

Dublin has the youngest average population in Europe.

You can read a Book written in around 800A.D. by Celtic Monks.

 Baile Atha Cliath is the Irish Language version of Dublin. Dublin comes from Dubh Linn which is the Irish version of Blackpool.

A Note:

If an American asks me asks me “is Dublin part of the UK”; I always respond is America part of Canada?

So in short. No Dublin is not part of the UK. Dublin is the Capital City of the Republic of Ireland.

irish flag